Single and twin shaft MultiMix paddle mixers and liquid mixers

  • The range of single & twin shaft Van Aarsen MultiMix paddle mixers and liquid mixers.
  • Designed to mix a wide range of raw materials, additives and liquids into a homogeneous animal feed mixture, all within a short mixing time.
MultiMix single shaft paddle mixer for 10000 L products

MultiMix single shaft paddle mixer for 10000 L of the products

MultiMix twin shaft paddle mixer

MultiMix twin shaft paddle mixer

Liquid mixers for feed and premix

Liquid mixers for feed and premix

MultiPreMix paddle mixer for premixes

MultiPreMix paddle mixer is designed to mix a wide range of premixes, concentrates, additives and liquids

Vertical mixer for feed and premix

Vertical mixer is applied as a pre-mixer in the grinding line in order to get a better mixture of the dosed raw materials for the hammer mill.